RSAD2 Foundation goals:
We are RSAD2 Foundation: People against domestic violence
We are working to prevent domestic violence in all its forms. The best way to do this is through awareness. We want you to know how often abuse happens and the warning signs so it can be stopped or prevented. Every year, 2.5 million females are victims of domestic violence. 2 out of 3 females in the United States are attacked by somebody with whom they are acquainted. Women should not have to live in fear of being battered in their homes. Now more than ever, victims of domestic violence need help. In the United States, there are only 1,500 shelters for battered women, compared to 3,800 animal shelters. Our society needs to start addressing this problem in a more serious manner.
Violence Against Women and children
Violence against women has many devastating affects, not only on the woman, but on children and families as well. Over the last 20 years, domestic violence has become a rapidly growing health problem for our society.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is abuse inflicted by a parent, spouse, former spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend or even just someone you live with. An act of domestic violence occurs every 15 seconds in america.
Abuse among married couples begins between 18 and 30 months after marriage. Warning signs include a history of violence within the family, aggression towards others during adolescence and childhood, and personality characteristics. Many times, abuse happens as a result of marital problems and spouse-specific psychological aggression.
Domestic Violenece in the United States is treated as a health issue. Children who witness violence at home suffer from emotional problems such as withdrawal, low self esteem, nightmares, and self blame. Over 3 million children are at risk to exsposure to parental violence each year.
Experts have speculated as to what the cause of domestic violence is. Many believe that it stems from a desire for power and control. Through violence, the abuser thinks they are obtaining the power and control that they desire. Other factors can contribute as well. Stress and unhappiness can cause abuse. The main factors that lead to stress and unhappiness that cause abuse include, poverty, unemployment or underemployment, lack of housing or displacement, racism and injustice, alcohol and substance abuse and a feeling of hopelessness and despair.
RSAD2: Because you don't have to be a victim.
RSAD2 Facts and Figures
General Domestic Violence Facts and Figures
Facts about rape
Facts about Homicide